I’m so excited about my latest single, Shade and Shelter, released on the 24th January and delighted with the positive reception I’ve received so far. The album is now at

the editing stage. Artwork, printing and pressing are still to do, but all will be finalised and released soon and I’m busy recording my next album, again with the wonderful Aeron Z Jones and about to release an EP and more singles.
I was thinking today about my songwriting and using small things as a starting point. I wonder how small I could go? Would microscopic be too small? Sub-atomic? Or would I be wandering into quantum physics. Anyway I’m going to try it. Let’s see…
Things pop up in the most unexpected places. Yesterday at a party, someone gave me a gig out of the blue (date to be arranged)! Boy am I enjoying this year so far!
Anyway, what I’m here for is writing my songs. I will end now to get back to it and wish you all love and peace in these troubled times.
Love Roberta